Mark Leslie Lefebvre interviewed me for episode 27 of the Stark Reflections podcast!!!
This was my first ever podcast interview, and it was really fun! Mark’s podcast is one of my top three favorites, and while I haven’t yet worked up the nerve to listen to my own interview, it’s coming up in my feed and I’ll hear it in the next few days.
In the interview, I officially committed to finally publishing the non-fiction book about creating story bundles and anthologies that I’ve been saying I’d write for ages. I have lots of notes, and know this area very well, so what I haven’t jotted down will be easy to write. I just way overpacked my schedule for the past, uh, year…or so…and it was easier to put this off because I had so many other things that had actual deadlines. This is no longer the case, because I’ve given myself an official deadline, and even got my editor signed up to work on this book! Huzzah!
Speaking of bundles, my story “To Be a Monster” is in the Here Be Monsters bundle, which was put together by A. L. Butcher. This story was originally published in the Beneath the Waves bundle last summer, and I’m really excited to see it included in a new bundle.
This is one of the super cool things about story bundles and anthologies – you can reprint already published short stories, thus giving even more people a chance to find them. For example, one of the collections I’m putting together includes a reprint of a short story by Jaime Lee Moyer. It’s a wonderful story, but because it was originally published in an anthology years ago, right now only people who come across that collection will be able to read it. But soon it will be in a new collection, and will be read by people who would never have seen it otherwise!
Alex, the curator of Here Be Monsters, has organized quite a few story bundles, and has a number more planned. You can find links to the published collections, as well as information on what’s coming up, on the bundles page on her website. She’s also posting author interviews – and character interviews, where a character in one of the included stories is ‘interviewed.’ 🙂
I’m about to embark on a five-day weekend. For reasons I don’t understand – and am not about to argue with – my day job gave us all two days off for the July 4th holiday. I couldn’t pass up the chance to have five days off in a row, so I’m taking Friday off as well. I am very happy to have all this time, and I have SO much work to do – finishing edits on stories, writing new stories, editing stories for anthologies… I’m going to work hard on being focused and disciplined, and will try to avoid the “I have X days left, I’ll work on that later” trap. Wish me luck!!!