Lots of little bits

The short story collection is available on the Kindle!

A Little Bit of Love final front cover

The paperback will be up on Amazon soon, and will follow on Barnes & Noble. Last time there was about a two week lag before it appeared on Barnes & Noble. The ebook will soon be available on Kobo, Apple, and the Nook.


It was a lot of fun to work on this project – and not just the writing part. I designed the cover and had a ball. But it is awfully nice to be able to call this done! and get back to the novel.

I’m editing the first two chapters of the novel, and will submit them to my writing group by the end of the week. There still is no title, but I’ll come up with one eventually. I hope…

In other news, Jasper is making great progress in agility class, and has learned two tricks! Here’s Jasper and Maisie trying out our new weave poles. They aren’t very good at taking turns, especially Jasper. The photo is a bit crooked, but as you can see things were rather chaotic.

New weave poles!