The Faerie Summer has begun!
The Faerie Summer bundle is now available on BundleRabbit, Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and iBooks!
This was such fun to put together! I’ve loved reading faerie stories since I was a kid. I loved Tom Deitz’ David Sullivan books, I read lots of books about Merlin and King Arthur (whichever version you prefer, it’s pretty clear that the Lady of the Lake was not a human…how many people do you know who live at the bottom of a lake?) and, while I was pretty far into adulthood by the time I found Little, Big by John Crowley, that story has such a wonderful feel that I loved it in spite of there being no obvious faery magic. Or at least none where you could conclusively explain what was going on. 🙂 I love reading – and writing – faery stories, and I’m so thrilled to have been able to put this collection together.
I started planning this bundle in mid-August 2017. Yes. that was eight-and-a-half months before the release date. 🙂 And yes, I have bundles that I’m planning that far out right now…and even farther!
Here are all the wonderful authors who have stories in this collection: Alexandra Brandt, Leslie Claire Walker, Roz Marshall, Anthea Sharp, Deb Logan, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Leah Cutter, Annie Reed, Brigid Collins, Dayle A. Dermatis, DeAnna Knippling, Brenda Carre, Louisa Swann, Linda Jordan, Marcelle Dubé, Karen L. Abrahamson, Rebecca M. Senese,Steve Vernon, T. Thorn Coyle.
And yes, I have a story in this bundle as well. 🙂 I wrote the first draft of this story over two years ago, as an assignment for a class I was taking. This story is set in the Land of Faerie. Three young faerie boys come across a human girl who has accidentally wandered into their land, and can’t find her way back to her own world. One of the boys, Táinar, is a side character in my (almost done…really, truly…) novel Entangled by Midsummer. It was really fun to write about him as a 12-year-old.
I plan on writing a novel (or more) about the characters in this book. At this point I only have a vague idea of what will happen, but it’s clear enough that I’m looking forward to this project. I don’t expect to get to it for a while only because I’ve got so many things lined up, but I do know that it’s going to be a fun story to write!
The next thing up on my list is the Beneath the Waves bundle, which launches in mid-July. The theme is mythical water creatures – my story is about Scylla, a monster from Greek mythology. But Scylla wasn’t originally a monster – she was a young woman who, like many unfortunates at the time, was turned into a monster even though she’d done nothing wrong. Greek mythology is filled with stories about horrible things happening to good, innocent people. I clearly have to write more stories like this one…