
I sold three out of six short stories at WMG Publishing’s anthology workshop!!! Yay!!!!!

They’ll be published in three different issues of the Fiction River anthology series. The publication schedule has not yet been finalized, but I do know that the earliest any of my stories will come out is May 2017.

The stories I sold were:

“The Next Dance” for the Tavern Tales issue. Editor: Kerrie L. Hughes
“Twin Wishes” for the Wishes issue. Editor: Rebecca Moesta
“Haunted” for the Hard Choices issue. Editor: Dean Wesley Smith

I went to the workshop hoping to sell one story, and was tremendously surprised to sell three. The writers in this workshop are all very talented, and the quality of the stories submitted was quite high. I’m very, very, very happy!!!!!

All three of my stories were in different genres. “The Next Dance” is a western set in a saloon, “Twin Wishes” is a young adult fantasy with a mermaid protagonist, and “Haunted” is – surprise! – a ghost story.

The sale of “Haunted” was the most exciting by far. It was the last day, and Dean had room for one more story. He wanted both my story and “The Devil’s Muse” by Laura Ware, but could not decide which one to take. The other authors whose stories had been selected for that issue generously offered to shave words out of their own stories so that he could buy both my story and Laura’s. What a wonderful thing to do! Laura and I gave each other a big hug afterward.

And now it’s time to finish the novel. 🙂

Rosie and Jasper were with me at the workshop :)
Rosie and Jasper were with me at the workshop 🙂
  1. Allyson Dobie-Oxley

    Hey Jamie.

    Fantastic and well done! What an amazing feeling that must be! I am sure there will be a lot more moments like this one, to come!


    Very best wishes


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