Checking it twice

Jasper practicing one of his tricks (‘head down’).
Jasper is hanging in there with his month of no hiking and no ball-playing. He’s learned one new trick: ‘hide your eyes,’ where he covers one eye with a paw. It’s very charming, and apparently very difficult to capture in a photo. 🙂 I’ve been working on teaching him to identify his toys by name, but he gets too excited, and things devolve into him incessantly squeaking a toy. I’m not giving up yet, but it’s possible that this just isn’t his kind of trick…

Beauty and Wickedness, the latest collection I’ve organized – and the first in a new, fairy tale-themed anthology series – will be available next week! This collection has had a lot of unexpected bumps, and even now that we’re in the home stretch things still keep on happening. The latest is that I developed a cold right before I began the final proofing pass, so I’m now re-checking things I just checked the other day. And it’s a good thing I am, since I realized tonight that two whole stories weren’t even in the ebook. Oops. At least I’m on the mend and am a bit more clear-headed than I apparently was for the past two days. 🙂

I’ve been invited to participate in another fairy tale collection, which is both exciting and amusing because that will be the third fairy tale retelling I wrote in 2018, as well as my third ever. I’d kind of like to tie them all together, and have some vague ideas about how to do so, but since I’ve got two more stories to write before I get to this I’m just hoping it all works itself out somehow.

Rosie on the brand new dog bed, after stealing a giant stuffed bone from Jasper.

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