The Witches’ Brew bundle is now available! I’ll be posting information on the authors and their stories on the bundle’s Facebook page over the next month or two, so consider ‘liking’ the page on Facebook if you’d like to learn more.
This is a collection of twenty short stories about witches, magic, and enchantments, including my short story “The Lesson of the Love Spell.”
This is the second bundle I’ve put together, and in some ways it was even more fun than organizing the first one. With the Fantasy in the City bundle, I learned a lot of things in the first few month or so, whereas this time I was able to start knowing all of that and was therefore able to plan better. That said, I did run into a few timing issues, partly because I set the deadline so close to the launch date, and partly because I had to do some of my work while I was at a writing workshop. It all worked out, but whew! From here on out, I’m setting the deadline for stories, images, etc. six weeks before launch. 🙂
The next collection I’m organizing is The Haunted bundle. It won’t be available until February, but I’m posting links to articles and stories about ghosts on the bundle’s Facebook page, which is kind of fun.
Speaking of ghosts, I’ve put the ebook for my novel With Perfect Clarity on sale until November 1st. The ebook is normally $4.99, but I’ve dropped it to $2.99 to celebrate Samhain – or, if you prefer, Halloween.
I’m one of four authors interviewed in the latest post in the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ “Getting to Know You” series. This was really fun – and yes, I really do pick my characters’ names based on the color of the letters, or the feel of the name. I can’t even imagine not doing that!
I’m currently finishing up a story about a disgruntled elf for a Christmas bundle. It feels a little odd to be writing a Christmas story at the beginning of October. 🙂 It’s due in about a week and a half, so I need to get the story and the cover wrapped up in the next few days. Once that’s done I’ll get back to editing the novel. I really, really miss working on the novel – between the latest bundle, the writing workshop, and a (lovely) vacation with the dogs, it’s been three weeks since I last worked on it. And it’s so close to being done that it’s frustrating to have to wait even another day!
The good news is that I’m now past the nutty phase where I had a ton of deadlines jammed together. Hopefully I can manage to not repeat that scenario again!